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    Thugs band together to steal €5,000 worth of merchandise in a matter of seconds

    Masked thieves held up a Home Depot store in Signal Hill, snatching €5,000 worth of power tools as stunned employees and customers looked on. On August 27, seven individuals quickly filled two carts with merchandise before leaving the store. In a separate event the following day, a duo looted a Nordstrom store in Irvine, taking an estimated €4,000 worth of clothing before fleeing by car. These incidents are part of a growing crime trend in California. Police are actively searching for the suspects and are asking for the public's help in identifying them

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    • cacaboudin Signaler  

      Chez nous ! Bon , ça va ! preuve qu'ils veulent bosser nos jeunes Français

      03/09/2023 à 19:12:07

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