Shocking events disrupted the traditional Notting Hill Carnival, where violence broke out in broad daylight. Photographs reveal youths armed with machetes in front of a crowd in broad daylight. An altercation broke out between two gangs armed with knives and a machete. The Metropolitan Police made 308 arrests over two days, and eight people were stabbed in just a few hours. More than 50 police officers were assaulted, some even bitten or sexually assaulted. Carnival organizers denounced the violence, claiming that such acts were not representative of the event's values
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Une journée normale dans l'Angleterristan.
31/08/2023 à 17:10:42ils ont le sens de la fête ces p'tits jeunes !
01/09/2023 à 11:31:35Ca serait bien s'ils avaient le sens du voyage.
02/09/2023 à 13:36:34
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