On August 26 in Seattle, at around 4.40pm, a doorbell video captured a terrifying act. An Asian man attempting to enter a house on Beacon Hill was suddenly approached by two masked individuals. One of the assailants points a gun at him, while the other tases him, causing the victim to fall immediately. After immobilizing him, the thieves remove his jewelry, including rings, wallet, gold chain, car keys and iPhone. This break-in is part of a series of recent assaults in which African-American teenagers specifically target Asian victims. Although the camera was hijacked by the perpetrators, it nevertheless continued to record. Seattle police are actively pursuing investigations to find these individuals
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C'est bien, du coup même les asiat auront une dent contre les renois là bas, et si ça pète, ils auront tous les US contre eux.
Après le mec habite aussi dans un des plus gros trous à merde d'ultra gauche US, donc bon, ça aide pas.
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