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    Bicycle thief steals phone from pedestrian and knocks her down

    In the heart of London, just a few yards from The Ritz Hotel, a pickpocket was filmed committing a daring daylight robbery. Mounted on an electric bike, the thief rode through a traffic jam at a red light, then stormed the sidewalk where he targeted a lone woman, engrossed in her phone, near Green Park. Surprising her from behind, he snatched her phone, wrestling with her briefly. The victim was found shot dead on the sidewalk in Piccadilly, Mayfair while the criminal escaped. The Metropolitan Police stress the importance of reporting such robberies promptly, especially during the next hour, which is crucial for gathering evidence

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    • phil6a Signaler  

      Et p'tit coup de volant à droite au moment ou il double ? Non !!!

      04/09/2023 à 19:05:42

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