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    Shocking theft from a wig store for cancer patients

    In a daring act, three masked criminals robbed The Wig Fairy in Beverly Hills at around 3:30 a.m., stealing wigs intended for cancer patients. They smashed the store's glass front with posts and stones before taking numerous wigs designed for those undergoing chemotherapy. Each piece, made from 100% human hair, requires weeks of work and is valued at between $1,000 and $4,000. The owner, Mona Zargar, expresses her dismay at the theft, as these wigs represent much more than just merchandise for her loyal customers

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      Le propriétaire, Mona Zargar, exprime son désarroi face à ce vol, car ces perruques représentent bien plus qu'une simple marchandise pour ses fidèles clients millionnaires.

      24/08/2023 à 16:05:44

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