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    She throws hot coffee in the face of a McDonald's employee

    An altercation broke out at a McDonald's in Coconut Creek, Florida. A woman, visibly agitated, reached across the counter to grab a coffee pot. She threw it in the direction of the staff, hitting a young employee who was filming the incident. The shock caused the young girl pain, prompting her to cry

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    • oOBENDEROo Signaler  

      en même temps, faut avouer, le café est dégueulasse chez mcdo

      22/08/2023 à 18:26:44
      • malomarie  Signaler  

        C'est quoi qui est bon chez Mac Do ?

        24/08/2023 à 16:27:19
    • PetitChoc Signaler  

      Les US ....

      22/08/2023 à 22:00:37

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