Paris has a serious homeless problem. The Paris region alone accounts for 44% of France's homeless. Surprisingly, 38% are women. With preparations for the 2024 Olympic Games, Paris is planning to clean up its streets, which means relocating these homeless people. However, the French government's proposal to relocate these people out of the capital has drawn criticism from many mayors in the neighboring towns and villages that are supposed to host them
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Offrez leurs des camping car !
21/08/2023 à 20:18:47Heuuuu tu connais le tarif d'un camping car ? même un vieux nanard...
22/08/2023 à 18:17:44euh paris dans quel pays ??
22/08/2023 à 18:36:28C’est en France ?
16/02/2024 à 02:12:26
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