She gets mauled by an otter while bathing in a river
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    She gets mauled by an otter while bathing in a river

    During an outing to celebrate her birthday on the Jefferson River in Bozeman, Jen Royce had a terrifying experience. While she and her friends were enjoying the river, an angry otter suddenly attacked them. The attack lasted about five minutes, causing injuries to several parts of Royce's body, including the loss of part of her ear. She expressed in a Facebook post how frightened she had been and believed she would not get out of the water alive. The victims, in a state of shock, waited more than 50 minutes for help to arrive, aided by the iPhone's SOS function. Royce was hospitalized, while her friends were treated on site, and all received preventive treatment against rabies. Although otter attacks are extremely rare, experts remind us of their territorial nature and advise us to defend ourselves in the event of aggression

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    • cacaboudin Signaler  

      C'était une loutre outrée !

      21/08/2023 à 20:14:46
    • Baribal Signaler  

      Pauvre loutre, j'espère qu'elle ne va pas être infectée !

      21/08/2023 à 20:50:18
    • Babybel Signaler  

      "Une loutre attaque une dinde"

      21/08/2023 à 21:21:42
    • myosine Signaler  

      c'est un peu l'histoire du rat et de l'éléphant..

      21/08/2023 à 21:53:14
    • oOBENDEROo Signaler  

      tiens, c'est etonnant personne a filmé la ??

      22/08/2023 à 18:29:45
    • okaj Signaler  

      c'est pas moi , c'est loutre !

      23/08/2023 à 18:23:20

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