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    Churches torched in violence over accusations of Koran desecration in Pakistan

    Thousands of Muslims in a Pakistani town set fire to at least four churches and vandalized the homes of Christians following allegations that two men had desecrated the Koran. In Jaranwala, in eastern Punjab, other buildings associated with churches were also damaged. Police arrested over 100 protesters and launched an investigation into the violence. The situation remains tense in the region.

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    • Trevilain Signaler  

      Et la suite quand c'est des chrétiens qui crame une mosquée? ah nan c'est vrai, eux sont un peu plus civilisé ^^

      17/08/2023 à 17:36:25
      • softxpert  Signaler  

        Ha bon, ça c'est passé ou ?

        18/08/2023 à 20:25:36

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