Employee tries to stop flash mob in store, is called racist Webchoc.com
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    Employee tries to stop flash mob in store, is called racist

    Internet personality Baby Storme recently faced controversy after calling a Target employee a "racist". This accusation followed the employee's intervention in calling the police at the sight of an unsolicited "flash mob" in the store. Baby Storme and a dozen other individuals, dressed in gothic-inspired costumes, began slow dancing in one of the aisles. The Target employee tried to intervene, blocking the view of the camera and citing a possible "security threat". This intervention was poorly received by the dancers, who expressed their displeasure.

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    • rems93 Signaler  

      Vidéo ne fonctionne pas

      15/08/2023 à 15:54:25
    • cacaboudin Signaler  

      Celle du milieu je la sent comme une coquine !

      17/08/2023 à 16:20:11

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