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    He pushes a police car into the scenery to escape

    On February 16, during a high-speed pursuit on the A19 between North Tyneside and County Durham, an unlicensed driver named Nathan Ferguson crashed into the car of motor patrol officer Sergeant Dave Roberts, spinning it off the road. Ferguson managed to evade two other vehicles before abandoning his van and fleeing on foot, but was later arrested. Sergeant Roberts, a 30-year veteran, suffered whiplash injuries to his head, neck and chest. Ferguson pleaded guilty to various charges, including reckless driving, and was sentenced to 30 months in prison and a 27-month driving ban

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    • bodusboub Signaler  

      à grande vitesse :):):)

      Sinon il a le cou fragile pour se blesser sur un petit tête à queue...
      Bon le connard de la camionnette mérite sa peine hein je dis pas mais bon...^^

      04/08/2023 à 16:25:00
    • janno Signaler  

      30 mois de prison et 27 mois d’interdiction de conduire… La niaiseries

      04/08/2023 à 21:06:24
      • fredo34200  Signaler  

        bah en france il s'en sort avec un simple rappel a la loi .............................................

        06/08/2023 à 10:11:20
      • janno fredo34200 Signaler  

        l’erreur c’est de pas pouvoir conduire 27 mois en prison

        06/08/2023 à 10:32:41

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