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    They beat a brazen thief with a stick

    A disturbing incident took place at a 7-Eleven store in California, where a brazen thief was caught in the act of filling a garbage can with items stolen from the shelves. Faced with this delicate situation, the store's employees decided to take matters into their own hands. Ignoring the thief's threats and a customer's advice to leave it to the authorities, they bravely confronted the suspect. Using a large wooden stick, the employees subdued the thief by beating him and holding him down. This case highlights a wider problem of shoplifting that is becoming increasingly prevalent across the country.

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    • Trevilain Signaler  

      Aaah ça c'est ce que j'aime voir, et aussi aimerai voir en chez nous. L'indien en a rien a foutre, des bon coup de latte, comme les flics font chez eux en Inde. Tu discute pas, tu prends tes coups de bâton, et basta.

      09/08/2023 à 17:10:06
      • cacaboudin  Signaler  

        Il y a des régions où les flics aux Indes mieux vaut les voir de loin ils te posent une question tu répond pas tout de suite tu prend une baffe une mite

        09/08/2023 à 17:47:25

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