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    Unusual confrontation at a Barbie screening in Sao Paulo

    At a screening of the new Barbie movie in Sao Paulo, Brazil, an unusual quarrel broke out. It all started when a lady's granddaughter began watching YouTube videos, disrupting the film. A woman dressed in pink, Melissa Caroline, complained about the noise, which angered the grandmother. The grandmother, wearing a fuchsia jacket, attacked Melissa, throwing her violently to the ground. After getting up, Melissa tried to fight back, but a man intervened to separate them. Later, Melissa said she just wanted to watch her movie in peace.

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    • myosine Signaler  

      Allez au ciné, c'est compliqué aujourd'hui avec le nombre de kssos qu'il y a ! et quand tu leur dit, tu risques ce genre de réaction tellement ils sont pas habitués à se faire remettre en place.

      28/07/2023 à 20:14:11

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