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    Unprovoked beating by the Potts brothers: 20 months in prison

    In an outburst of mindless violence, Jarrod and Hayden Potts inflicted an unprovoked be ating on an unknown man outside Centrelink in Logan Central, south of Brisbane, on May 24. The brothers, aged 26 and 28, were sentenced to 20 months' imprisonment at Beenleigh Magistrates' Court. The altercation was captured on CCTV, showing the brothers assaulting the grey-clad man as he exited the building. Hayden attacked first, followed by his brother Jarrod, who landed several blows to the man's stomach and chest. The brothers also assaulted another man that day. They are eligible for parole on February 24, 2024, and have been ordered to pay $2,000 to their victims.

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    • Jubry Signaler  

      J'imagine dans la tête du black : Mais d'habitude, c'est nous qu'on fait ça ! je vais aller ouinouinté a la police !

      27/07/2023 à 19:18:41

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