Serial assaults in an affluent San Francisco neighborhood
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    Serial assaults in an affluent San Francisco neighborhood

    Welcome to Noe Valley, San Francisco's charming neighborhood, affectionately nicknamed "Stroller Alley" for its family-friendly atmosphere... Teenagers are mugging and robbing defenseless mothers and nannies, raising the number of phone thefts to 11 a week. Two women have been attacked by these ferocious toddlers, one hit with a bat, the other in the face. But don't worry, an investigation is underway. According to a city supervisor, this criminal phenomenon among young people could be the unexpected repercussion of the tumult caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    • cacaboudin Signaler  

      Ca va pas durer longtemps la facilité de voler dans ce quartier

      06/07/2023 à 11:42:55

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