He kicks a dog and almost loses an arm (Warning - shocking) Webchoc.com
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    He kicks a dog and almost loses an arm (Warning - shocking)

    In Russia, a man visits an enclosure where dogs (or wolves? anything is possible in Russia) are kept. Excited, one of them jumps on its owner and bites him, but the latter doesn't appreciate it at all and decides to kick the canine. From then on, the dog wasn't kidding around any more and clearly attacked him to hurt him, aided and abetted by another white dog. The owner's wife, having heard her husband's screams, arrives with a pistol, and appears to shoot one of the dogs.

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    • myosine Signaler  

      On a les chiens qu'on mérite connard.

      04/07/2023 à 20:06:06
    • Issachar Signaler  

      Il faut tout e suite abattre ces deux personnes.

      04/07/2023 à 23:32:34
      • malomarie  Signaler  

        C'est clair, un mec qui a gouté à la connerie y reviendra.

        05/07/2023 à 00:09:05
    • PetitChoc Signaler  

      Dommage le mec a survecu

      05/07/2023 à 02:30:35
    • Babybel Signaler  

      Dès le début on vois toute sa connerie dans son regard !

      07/07/2023 à 21:42:55

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