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    Arrested after a chase, he takes off again with the police car!

    In a stunning display of contortionism and daring driving, Anthony Sanchez III, a handcuffed suspect in Colorado, made a dramatic escape by stealing a police car directly from the back seat. After causing an initial chase and road chaos, he was intercepted, but managed to free himself to speed off in the stolen police car. This breathtaking adventure ended in tragedy when Sanchez, trying to escape a second chase, crashed into a parked truck after hitting police harrows. He died of his injuries. A movie in itself, you say? No, it's just another day on the Colorado roads.

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    • myosine Signaler  

      les yeux de barjots qu'il a, hyper focus dans sa connerie !

      01/07/2023 à 10:54:39
    • mathcoreisback Signaler  

      il voulait aller ou franchement ? une ligne droite et des champs , ya meme pas un buisson pour se planquer

      02/07/2023 à 06:58:24

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