A woman is beaten senseless in the metro (Warning - shocking) Webchoc.com
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    A woman is beaten senseless in the metro (Warning - shocking)

    On June 18, 2023, the Clinton-Washington Avenues subway station in Brooklyn was the scene of an unexpected assault. Our protagonist, 27-year-old Hannah Marie, received an unsolicited blow to the face from a passer-by she'd never seen before. Although frightened, Hannah escaped serious injury. As for the assailant, he is still on the run, with the police hot on his trail.

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    • leo3 Signaler  

      t'en pense quoi Malomarie ?

      27/06/2023 à 18:12:33
    • grostordu Signaler  

      Un bon gros FDP

      27/06/2023 à 18:57:25

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