He was refused his diploma for doing a little dance Webchoc.com
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    He was refused his diploma for doing a little dance

    On June 9, an unusual incident occurred in Philadelphia during a graduation ceremony. Hafsah Abdur-Rahman, a 17-year-old student, celebrated her success in an original way by dancing the 'Griddy', a fashionable dance. However, the principal of her high school didn't find this initiative very amusing. Instead of receiving her diploma as planned, Hafsah was asked to pass, her diploma promptly going back into her basket. The least we can say is that some people don't have rhythm in their skin... or a sense of humor.

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    • Babybel Signaler  

      Quel enfoiré...

      18/06/2023 à 21:14:32
    • Kpricieuse Signaler  

      Mais elle est quand même diplômée j'espère la pauvre!!

      19/06/2023 à 10:24:55
      • kleinergeist62  Signaler  

        Oui,cette vidéo est devenu un MEME et elle a recu le diplôme du FAIL.

        20/06/2023 à 02:48:52

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