Parkour and senescence rarely go well together. One daring grandfather learned this lesson the hard way, preferring the adrenalin of a two- or three-storey house roof to the tranquillity of his daily walk. Unfortunately for him, his balancing act turned tragic, as his legs couldn't take the strain. A quick trip to hospital and back, but also an aborted celestial tour! So, a word of advice to our valiant senior citizens: avoid parkour, unless you have a sudden urge to chat with the divine.
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Le parkour touche tous les low qi, pas seulement les jeunes apparemment
15/06/2023 à 14:34:58Ferait mieux d'aller au Q a cet âge , il en a plus pour longtemps
15/06/2023 à 15:24:57Vous aussi vous l'avez regardé au moins 10 fois tellement c'est drôle ?
15/06/2023 à 23:51:44
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