Sounds crazy, doesn't it? Imagine one neighbor starting to beat up another because their garbage cans smell. Well, that's exactly what happened in Morecambe, Lancashire. Daniel Winward, 44, a former commando and current pub owner, seriously assaulted his septuagenarian neighbor, Simon Procter, because of his smelly garbage cans. He even went so far as to break into Procter's house, causing £1000 worth of damage. The attack was so brutal that doctors initially thought Procter had been in a car accident. Winward avoided jail time because of his post-traumatic stress disorder.
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Le gars a bien pris cher , et ça m'étonnerais que ce ne soit qu'à cause de l'odeur de ses poubelles...
22/05/2023 à 13:55:34L’ancien commando est fou à lier ?
22/05/2023 à 16:32:55il était cuisto chez les commando d'où son incapacité à se défendre.
23/05/2023 à 08:32:14Y a pas que les poubelles, c'est clair...
23/05/2023 à 09:35:05
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