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    Woman punches police officer during pro-trans demonstration

    Nebraska is facing a wave of protests after the passage of "anti-abortion" and "anti-trans" legislation. Six protesters were arrested after a demonstration turned chaotic at the state Capitol. Among the highlights was a woman punching a police officer - literally the height of the uproar. The unrest began after the passage of the "Let Them Grow Act", which bans abortion after 12 weeks and restricts sex change procedures for those under 19.

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    • psychopat Signaler  

      Elle va prendre cher au poste :D

      22/05/2023 à 13:53:08
    • Trevilain Signaler  

      Le KGBT est une secte, et ses fanatiques doivent être internés!

      22/05/2023 à 17:56:33
    • todzeuil Signaler  

      Une fiotte dans une prison américaine il va être ravie

      23/05/2023 à 08:29:54
    • Destroc Signaler  

      La société malade....

      26/05/2023 à 16:50:16

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