He throws a grenade into a crowded bar! (Warning - shocking) Webchoc.com
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    He throws a grenade into a crowded bar! (Warning - shocking)

    On the night of Sunday, May 7, an individual threw an M-26 fragmentation grenade into a crowded bar located in the 13 de Abril neighborhood in Ureña, Venezuela. This incident, which could have been the scenario of an action movie, unfortunately took place in reality, injuring 8 people. The victims, whose ages range from 31 to 41, were quickly transported to a nearby health center. The motive behind this act is still unknown, as is the identity of those responsible. An investigation is underway to elucidate this case, which could have had much more dramatic consequences.

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    • kaotic Signaler  

      il vous manque une bille ??

      17/05/2023 à 13:30:22
    • cacaboudin Signaler  

      Made in China la grenade de fragmentation ? lol

      17/05/2023 à 20:21:50
    • oOBENDEROo Signaler  

      et l'autre qui est en train de ce vider de son sang devant la porte d'entrée, bloquant l'acces, il pourrai mourir ailleurs pfff
      non sans rire, personne ne lui vient en aide, c'est limite on lui marche dessus, personne ne prend le temps de l’éloigner. hallucinant.

      17/05/2023 à 22:03:04
      • dimension974  Signaler  

        ça doit être un complice :)

        18/05/2023 à 16:47:27
    • kaotic Signaler  

      il vous manque une bille ??

      18/05/2023 à 19:13:19

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