Zeng, 50, lost his life when he fell into a hole he had just made in a water pipe. Video footage of the accident shows Zeng using a hammer to knock over a steel plate that eventually gave way, causing him to fall and be sucked into the pipe. The incident was one of three fatal accidents reported in the Taiwanese media that day. Authorities are investigating the incident, while Zeng's family and colleagues mourn his tragic loss.
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Oh merde, j'espère qu'il a été retrouvé !
10/05/2023 à 12:03:38Dans ma baignoire.
10/05/2023 à 20:00:24Dyson ?
10/05/2023 à 15:18:44non Zeng :)
10/05/2023 à 17:27:16En France aussi ca arrive malheureusement.
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