He pushes a stranger off an escalator (Warning - shocking) Webchoc.com
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    He pushes a stranger off an escalator (Warning - shocking)

    On April 11, 2023, in Karaganda, Kazakhstan, a 31-year-old drunk man violently assaulted a 25-year-old man by violently pushing him off the escalator in the City Mall. The assaulted man suffered injuries to his lip, broken teeth and bruises, but was released from the hospital shortly after. The assailant was arrested and taken into custody while intoxicated and then taken to a psychiatric and neurological clinic. This attack was not the first by the arrested man, who had previous problems with the police. He later explained that he mistook his victim for someone else.

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    • fredo34200 Signaler  

      ben quoi ? il est arrivé plus vite en bas !

      26/04/2023 à 17:39:27

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