Employees forced to strip in Russian company to avoid theft Webchoc.com
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    Employees forced to strip in Russian company to avoid theft

    A video has been leaked showing women working for Wildberries, a company run by Tatyana Bakalchuk, a Russian oligarch close to Putin, being forced to strip down to their underwear to undergo daily body searches to prevent theft. This shameful practice is carried out by female inspectors and takes place twice a day in different warehouses of the company. The searches are conducted under video surveillance and are meant to prevent employees from bringing prohibited items into the workplace. This method of combating theft has shocked Russia and caused international outrage.

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    • grostordu Signaler  

      C'est branlette illimitée sur Webchoc aujourd'hui !

      25/04/2023 à 15:51:37
      • psychopat  Signaler  

        Espece de pervers !

        25/04/2023 à 17:15:04
    • dimension974 Signaler  

      Même sur les japonais c'est pas flouté autant...

      26/04/2023 à 11:51:00

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