Rogue politician and his brother murdered in front of journalists (Warning - shocking)
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    Rogue politician and his brother murdered in front of journalists (Warning - shocking)

    In India, former gangster-turned-politician Atiq Ahmed and his brother Ashraf were killed during a police escort in Prayagraj as they were being taken for a medical examination. These killings come shortly after Atiq's son Asad was shot dead by the Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force. Following these events, restraining orders were put in place and an investigation was launched by the head of state Yogi Adityanath. Television footage shows Atiq Ahmed speaking to the press before being shot at. Three individuals later surrendered to police.

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    • fernando Signaler  

      Deux racailles en moins si j'ai bien compris !

      18/04/2023 à 12:16:22
    • psychopat Signaler  

      gangster politicien = Surveille ton écriture Mr Webchoc, c'est un pléonasme.

      18/04/2023 à 14:31:05
    • cacaboudin Signaler  

      Non ils ont juste été pragmatique pour le bilan médical

      18/04/2023 à 18:48:46
    • Judje Signaler  

      Pourquoi il y a pas ça pour Micron

      18/04/2023 à 23:14:29
    • bafffffffff Signaler  

      l'escorte policière m'a bien fait rire en tout cas

      27/04/2023 à 00:13:52

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