A naked woman taunts the police and swims in a lake Webchoc.com
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    A naked woman taunts the police and swims in a lake

    An unusual incident took place over the Easter weekend in To?py Park in Wroc?aw, Poland. A 27-year-old woman was seen running naked and screaming through the streets, chasing passersby and avoiding the police. Authorities received an initial call about the woman standing on a windowsill and attempting to kill herself. Then she was seen on Edyty Stein Street and in Stanis?aw To?pa Park, where she bathed in the pond. The police arrested her and took her to the hospital.

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    • patochedu34 Signaler  

      elle n'a pas le look d'une polonaise.

      14/04/2023 à 15:54:32
      • Elchupanibre  Signaler  

        C'est sûrement une refugié ukrainienne qui a perdu la boule

        17/04/2023 à 08:38:45

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