In China, a very special measure has been put in place to combat pedestrians behaving inappropriately on the road. If you cross the street when the light is red or outside the crosswalk, the facial recognition system detects you and projects your face on a "shame cartel". But that's not all. The system automatically connects to your bank and charges you the fine for the violation. With the use of this technology, authorities hope to encourage pedestrians to comply with traffic rules and regulations. However, some argue that this approach could violate privacy and raise doubts about the effectiveness of public shaming as a deterrent for future violations.
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Tres bien ...
En france on cache le visage des tueurs et protege leur anonymat et on affiche les victimes ...
Pire : si un commerçant diffuse la video de ces voleurs et/ou agresseurs, c'est lui qui risque de la prison ... et de devoir payer des dommages et intérêts a la personne qui l'a tabassé et volé ....
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