Man refuses to drop his knife and is shot by police (Warning - shocking)
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    Man refuses to drop his knife and is shot by police (Warning - shocking)

    Joseph Sherrill, 44, was shot and killed by Frederick police during an intervention at an apartment complex on March 4. Police were looking for the suspect for a parole violation. Officers were initially confronted by a woman who claimed Sherrill was not in the apartment, but after a brief conversation, she allowed police to enter. During the search, an officer noticed Sherrill hiding in a closet and Sherrill displayed a knife. Despite several commands to drop the weapon, Sherrill lunged at the officers with the knife, forcing the police to open fire. The incident is currently under investigation.

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    • majorcrisis Signaler  

      Il avait pourtant le choix et tout le temps qu'il fallait, pour le poser, son couteau ! Dommage...

      28/03/2023 à 00:20:42

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