Did Tyrea M. Pryor have a gun when he was killed by the police? Webchoc.com
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    Did Tyrea M. Pryor have a gun when he was killed by the police?

    The shocking video of an arrest that went wrong has just been released by the Independence police in the United States (Missouri). The video shows a crashed car, with two people on board, following a chase with the police. The officers order the passenger to get out of the car so they can talk to Pryor, the driver, which she does without resisting. But at one point, everything went haywire: A police officer was heard yelling "he has a gun," and the many officers present at the time shot the driver. Authorities said Pryor displayed an AR rifle, but the family's lawyers say that version is false. The officers involved have not been prosecuted. So we await the body camera videos with anticipation.

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    • oOBENDEROo Signaler  

      j'ai envie de dire, que du moment ou tu tente d’échapper a la police, faut pas s'attendre a ce qu'ils t’arrêtent avec un café.

      24/03/2023 à 00:30:25

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