Motorist speeds through city, ends up killing 2 people
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    Motorist speeds through city, ends up killing 2 people

    In a traffic accident in Brooklyn on Monday, two people lost their lives and five others were injured. A fiery collision between a Toyota Camry and a Honda HRV occurred at the intersection of Avenue 18 and Street 64 in Bensonhurst. Witnesses and police say the white Camry was speeding, zigzagging and ran a red light. Both vehicles struck a 60-year-old pedestrian, then the Camry struck another car. The two most seriously injured victims did not survive. The alleged driver of the Camry, Vitaliy Konoolyov, was arrested and charged with manslaughter and driving without a license.

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    • psychopat Signaler  

      Dommage, on ne sait pas pourquoi ce gars fonçait comme ça

      22/03/2023 à 12:53:30
      • majorcrisis  Signaler  

        Je pense presque avec certitude qu'il était pressé d'aller vite ! Ô_õ

        23/03/2023 à 18:45:47

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