A woman stabs him in the back of the head during an argument Webchoc.com
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    A woman stabs him in the back of the head during an argument

    A violent argument between a man and a woman broke out on the streets of Brookfield Meadows, Banbridge, UK. The situation escalated when the couple began spitting at each other, before the woman violently stabbed the man in the back of the head. Although the man was injured, he chose to continue the argument, before wiping his blood on the window of the house where the woman took refuge. Police are investigating the incident.

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    • Babybel Signaler  

      L alcool, la misère, ne connaissent pas de frontière

      21/03/2023 à 20:49:39
    • xTreme Signaler  

      Consanguinité !!!!!!

      21/03/2023 à 22:16:15
    • majorcrisis Signaler  

      J'espère que ces cassos ont bien été stérilisés !

      23/03/2023 à 18:51:33
      • xTreme  Signaler  

        c'est bien ca le probleme ... c'est cela qui pondent le plus de gamins ....

        30/03/2023 à 23:18:45

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