Violent confrontation between a suspect and three police officers in Oxnard, California (Warning - shocking)
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    Violent confrontation between a suspect and three police officers in Oxnard, California (Warning - shocking)

    Three police officers, Shayn Schwartz, Alexus Santos and Bryce Parker, were confronted by an aggressive individual, Adam Barcenas, during an investigation of a DUI in Oxnard, California. Barcenas, who was not involved in the case, quickly approached the officers shouting his hatred towards them, holding a steel bar in his hands. The officers responded by pulling out their tasers and firearms to deter the assailant. Despite the warnings, Barcenas continued to approach the officers, causing a violent confrontation.

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    • psychopat Signaler  

      On est d'accord, le tir au taser n'a servi à rien ?

      21/03/2023 à 15:03:55
      • grostordu  Signaler  

        Ils auraient du se mettre d'accord !

        21/03/2023 à 15:14:59
      • oOBENDEROo  Signaler  

        ça a peut etre servi de défibrilateur pour le ré animer. lool

        22/03/2023 à 01:01:42

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