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    Polémique sur la mort d'un présumé voleur en Équateur (Public averti)

    The death of an alleged thief, crushed between two vehicles in Guayaquil, Ecuador, has made the rounds on social networks. The images triggered a controversy on Twitter, with some users believing that the alleged offender "got what he deserved", while others denounced the violence of the scene. The driver of the truck involved in the incident fled, and the alleged accomplice of the robber managed to escape. Local authorities have not yet confirmed the information and the exact circumstances of the incident remain unclear.

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    • psychopat Signaler  

      Ça ne rigole pas dans ces pays

      20/03/2023 à 17:09:07
    • grostordu Signaler  

      Il connaissait les risques

      20/03/2023 à 17:46:26
    • Baribal Signaler  

      D'où la technique dite : "de prise en sandwich" !!

      20/03/2023 à 19:49:57

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