He throws a piece of bread at her, she stabs him (Warning - shocking) Webchoc.com
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    He throws a piece of bread at her, she stabs him (Warning - shocking)

    In a shocking scene captured live, a Russian couple saw their playful exchange take a dangerous turn. The male live streamer threw a piece of bread at his girlfriend as a joke, but instead of laughing, she impulsively lunged at him and stabbed him in the side. The young man, clearly caught off guard, asked his girlfriend why she had committed such a violent act. Moments later, the woman seemed to regret her actions and tried to help the injured man by reaching for paper towels to slow the bleeding. However, after realizing the seriousness of the situation, and the dangerousness of his girlfriend, the streamer and preferred to call the police. It is currently undetermined what the charges will be and how this incident will impact their relationship.

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    • majorcrisis Signaler  

      Un documentaire animalier !

      14/03/2023 à 12:42:34
    • HARAKIRY Signaler  


      14/03/2023 à 20:07:07
    • phil6a Signaler  

      Après on comprends mieux ce qui ce passe en Ukraine! leurs président est encore plus dingue que ces deux là !

      15/03/2023 à 12:49:25
      • PetitChoc  Signaler  

        C'est ce que j'etais entrain de me dire. La Russie est dans un etat ...

        15/03/2023 à 14:00:40
    • xTreme Signaler  

      On m'explique ce que fait un couteau dans sa main alors qu'elle tiens son portable des deux mains ?
      Ca sent grave la mise en scene pour faire un gros buz ....

      16/03/2023 à 16:46:45

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