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    A snowmobiler is attacked by a moose

    A snowmobiler had a frightening encounter with a raging moose on an Idaho trail while accompanied by his family. The scene was captured on video, showing the 450+ pound animal charging toward the snowmobiler who narrowly avoided impact. Animal experts advise backing away slowly if you encounter a moose, as they can become aggressive if they feel threatened. Moose are not naturally aggressive, but can become so during breeding season or when they feel harassed or intimidated.

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    • Baribal Signaler  

      Un orignal original et bestiale !!

      13/03/2023 à 14:08:32
      • okaj  Signaler  

        Quid du constat ?

        13/03/2023 à 17:26:36
    • PetitChoc Signaler  

      Encore un champion

      15/03/2023 à 14:16:28

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