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    Florida wedding: venue owner shoots bride and groom

    A wedding reception in Florida turned into a nightmare when the venue's owner flew into a rage and threatened guests with a gun. The incident occurred Thursday night at Cielo Farms, a reception venue located in Davie, Florida. It all started when Christian Rafart, the venue manager, demanded that Jonathan Campo, the wedding DJ, stop playing music or face a noise fine. Despite the DJ's promise to play the last song of the night, Rafart tried to shut down the equipment, leading to an altercation with Campo. The situation then escalated when Rafart returned with a gun, threatening the guests, apparently drunk. Fortunately, no one was injured. Rafart was arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill.

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    • etacarinae Signaler  

      Cà en fait des souvenirs dit donc !
      Et la nuit de noce a dû être torride !

      11/03/2023 à 11:00:43
    • rems93 Signaler  

      le propriétaire du lieu tire sur les jeunes mariés .... Heureusement, personne n'a été blessé 0-0

      11/03/2023 à 12:35:05
    • xTreme Signaler  

      Il a quand meme envoyé la facture aux mariés ? XD

      16/03/2023 à 16:57:40

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