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    It doesn't end well for this drunk guy who asks to fight with the cops

    Video of an apparently drunk man interacting with police officers went viral for all the wrong reasons. "I'm not going to jail. I'm going to kick all four of your asses," he tells them (00:50). At that point, the police officer punches the man before knocking him to the ground. The incident, which took place last November in Port Huron, was reviewed by the city's police department and the officer was placed on paid administrative leave. However, a social activist has obtained access to video of the incident and is working with lawyers to sue the city.

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    • majorcrisis Signaler  

      Et alors !
      L'autre avec sa tête de winner, il a cherché !
      Il a trouvé sa correction, point !
      En plus, il ne devait même plus se rappeler de rien le lendemain.

      02/03/2023 à 17:24:51
    • myosine Signaler  

      le flic n'était pas obligé de lui en mettre une comme ça !

      03/03/2023 à 04:53:37
      • Baribal  Signaler  

        Oui, c'était facile là !

        03/03/2023 à 07:35:52

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