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    An individual attacks a store and the customers inside

    On Sunday, February 26, 2023, a violent attack took place at a Müller branch in Mosbach. According to police reports, a 29-year-old migrant entered the store and began attacking customers and the cashier with a thick branch. The incident was captured on video, showing the man hitting the sliding door at the entrance with the branch, shattering it. He then threw pieces of the broken door toward the checkout area, narrowly missing a stroller and two customers. The cashier was protected by a spray guard attached to the cash register, which was struck by the branch. Some customers jumped in surprise and were visibly taken aback by the sudden attack. The officers of the Mosbach police station were able to arrest the criminal at about 7 p.m. the same day, who was then brought before a judge at the Mosbach district court the same day. The motive for the attack is still unknown, and investigations are ongoing.

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    • majorcrisis Signaler  

      "un migrant de 29 ans est entré dans le magasin et a commencé à attaquer les clients et le caissier avec une branche épaisse........... frappant la porte coulissante à l'entrée avec la branche, la faisant éclater.......a ensuite lancé des morceaux de la porte cassée.............. manquant de peu une poussette et deux clients"
      À renvoyer en TUNISIE de toute urgence !
      Monsieur Kaïs Saïed se fera un plaisir de lui offrir un stage de citoyenneté !

      02/03/2023 à 17:33:17

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