Woman impaled by flying pipes in tragic road accident in China (Warning - shocking) Webchoc.com
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    Woman impaled by flying pipes in tragic road accident in China (Warning - shocking)

    A truck loaded with pipes lost control of its cargo on a highway in China's eastern Shandong province. The incident was caught on video and the video quickly went viral. The pipes went through the windshield of a moving car, impaling a woman sitting in the backseat. She was rushed to the hospital and underwent surgery, but her current condition is unknown. This tragic accident sent shock waves across the country.

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    • Baribal Signaler  

      Si ça avait été en Inde et avec un fakir, y aurait pas eu de soucis !

      01/03/2023 à 16:45:29
    • bodusboub Signaler  

      Non mais la musique... WTF !?

      01/03/2023 à 17:43:31
      • kleinergeist62  Signaler  

        J'avoue la musique...haha

        02/03/2023 à 00:38:41
    • DIABLOTIN Signaler  

      Séance d'acupuncture gratuite ????????

      01/03/2023 à 20:31:29

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