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    A father takes justice into his own hands against a sex offender neighbor

    A West Virginia father took matters into his own hands after discovering that his neighbor, a registered sex offender, was engaging in suspicious behavior toward his 6-year-old daughter. The father first grabbed the older man by the collar and slammed him against the porch several times before dragging him onto the lawn to give him a beating. While some believe the father should have called the police, most comments on social media support the father's actions.

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    • Baribal Signaler  

      Il a raison ! Y en a marre de ces "palmaderies" !

      28/02/2023 à 16:16:25
      • golio  Signaler  

        joli !!!

        28/02/2023 à 20:33:22
      • kleinergeist62  Signaler  

        Joli j'avoue.

        28/02/2023 à 21:14:55
    • Stretch Signaler  

      Il s'en sort trop bien à mon goût...

      28/02/2023 à 20:35:31
    • dimension974 Signaler  

      il a pas encore été arreté depuis 2015???

      01/03/2023 à 17:53:34

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