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    A woman pickpocket manages to steal an impressive number of phones!

    During the Brazilian carnival, the police put an end to the actions of a dreadful pickpocket. The latter had managed to steal an impressive number of cell phones. Intercepted by the authorities, she was trapped thanks to one of her devices that they were able to locate. She could face heavy charges for theft and receiving stolen goods.

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    • majorcrisis Signaler  

      Avec le tee-shirt "Paris" !
      Les pickpockets parisien ont leur fan-club !

      27/02/2023 à 19:11:07
    • DIABLOTIN Signaler  

      Ma grand-mère le faisait avec des RADIOCOM 2000..........

      01/03/2023 à 20:45:59
    • patochedu34 Signaler  

      Après au poste ils vont fouiller dans sa chatte et le petit trou ???

      02/03/2023 à 13:37:59

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