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    Transgender man hits UBER driver because there is not enough room in his car

    At the Los Angeles airport, a man disguised as a woman was filmed hitting an UBER driver. Initially, the transsexual would have made himself appear as a victim by declaring that the driver had hit his dogs. But the various witnesses of the scene (including the one who filmed this video) have a very different version of the story. According to them, the aggressor would have started to get angry and shout "P*tain, I have enough, I want to go home to sleep", and then throw everything that contained the trunk of the driver. When the latter wanted to put away his objects which were on the ground, the transsexual kicked him in the stomach. I did not succeed in finding information on the continuation of the events (Arrest? Indictment?), but I hold you informed.

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    • majorcrisis Signaler  

      Aaaah ! Encore un bel exemple de tolérance de la part de ce dégénéré !

      27/02/2023 à 19:21:15

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