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    Police officer in the sauce after dragging a detainee

    The Miami Police Department is under fire after a video of police violence was made public. The body camera footage shows an officer, Sergeant Gary Sampson, grabbing a man by his handcuffs and dragging him to the ground. The details of George Augustus's 2021 harsh arrest were revealed after an internal affairs audit found that the video did not match the arrest reports written by the officers. Both Sampson and Bens Mocombe are facing disciplinary action after a civilian investigative panel voted unanimously to say they used excessive force and violated policy.

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    • myosine Signaler  

      Y a rien !

      27/02/2023 à 15:27:04
    • majorcrisis Signaler  

      La pauvre petite George Augustus !
      Elle devait aller faire un tour dans un commissariat nigérian ou mauritanien ! Juste comme ça, pour voir !

      Mais elle après ! On la revoit plus ! Ô.õ

      27/02/2023 à 19:03:21
    • leo3 Signaler  

      Encore un policier raciste lol

      27/02/2023 à 19:40:46

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