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    Worker hit by molten steel in Zhoukou

    In Henan province on February 18, a worker was working with his back turned when a bar of molten steel hit him hard from behind. Sparks flew everywhere as the man fell to the ground. Fortunately, his co-workers quickly intervened to rescue him and get him out of the danger zone.

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    • Malko Signaler  

      Aller je le dit.
      Il a eu chaud au cul.

      21/02/2023 à 18:13:27
      • Baribal  Signaler  

        Ou le feu au cul ?

        21/02/2023 à 18:17:33
    • sherkane51 Signaler  

      C'était sûr que tout ne rentrerait pas...

      25/02/2023 à 08:46:16

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