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    Seeing that their buddy loses a fight, they put themselves at 7 against one man

    A man was beaten by a group of people in Los Angeles after approaching an individual near the Hollywood & Highland center and accusing them of preaching the wrong thing. The altercation was captured on video and shows several individuals ganging up on the man on the sidewalk before it spilled out onto Hollywood Boulevard. A bystander reported seeing five to six people attacking the man, who was later knocked unconscious. The police were called to the scene and the victim was taken to the hospital, treated and released.

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    • Baribal Signaler  

      Toujours aussi lâches ces saloperies de racailles !

      13/02/2023 à 14:18:59
      • xTreme  Signaler  

        mais voyons, je suis sur que c'est le blanc qui a osé les regarder en passant sans baisser les yeux vers le sol en signe de soumission, ils ne font que se défendre ce peuple opprimé !!!

        20/02/2023 à 18:08:46
    • mathcoreisback Signaler  

      toujours sur le meme croisement hollywood/highland . coin touristique a la con bourré de monde

      14/02/2023 à 05:29:29

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