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    Man Drives Car into McDonald's in Shocking Attack on Girlfriend

    A man named Abbas Hayder Al-Khafaji drove his car into a McDonald's in Sydney, Australia in a violent attack on his girlfriend. The incident, which occurred in February last year, was captured on CCTV. It shows the woman trying to call the police and running into the restaurant as Abbas Hayder Al-Khafaji drives his car through a window and chases her into the kitchen with a knife. The store manager tried to intervene, while the woman defended herself with a broom and a glass bottle. After five minutes, Al-Khafaji drove away from the scene and was later arrested at his home. Video of the incident was played at Al-Khafaji's sentencing hearing.

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    • Issachar Signaler  

      Une belle culture s'il en est.

      13/02/2023 à 11:58:51
    • DIABLOTIN Signaler  

      J'ai eu peur, à un moment j'ai cru qu'il venait se plaindre pour la nourriture de ses merveilleux restaurants qui délivre des mets sublimes.

      13/02/2023 à 13:09:05
    • HARAKIRY Signaler  

      Pour se qui ne connaissent pas encore les femme ( ne pas donne d'amour ni de grande confiance à une femme donne juste de la bite

      13/02/2023 à 19:53:51

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