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    Birmingham thug threatens several moped riders with machete

    A man wearing a motorcycle helmet was caught on camera wielding a machete and running through a Birmingham neighborhood during a confrontation involving at least nine individuals. The incident occurred Wednesday afternoon in the Kingstanding neighborhood as children were leaving school. The main suspect was seen kicking mopeds and was dressed all in black with a yellow helmet and his face covered. The fight resulted in a group of three men fighting across the road, and the suspect armed with a machete was eventually able to escape on a white moped with the license plates removed. No injuries were reported and the police opened an investigation.

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    • FouM Signaler  

      Je pensais parler anglais mais je me rends compte que je ne comprends pas un mot dans cette vidéo.

      11/02/2023 à 17:48:26
      • myosine  Signaler  

        Avant on parlait le franglais, maintenant il faut parler l'hindi !

        12/02/2023 à 03:17:22

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