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    Several men harass a prostitute and prevent her from leaving a store

    Recently, a disturbing incident took place in a convenience store on Figueroa in South Central Los Angeles. A group of individuals, who have been identified as local pimps, subjected a prostitute to harassment and intimidation. The video footage shows the men surrounding the woman and making inappropriate advances, causing her to feel threatened and trapped. Despite her attempts to escape and seek help, the individuals continued to stalk and intimidate her, making it impossible for her to leave the store safely. In a desperate bid to escape, the woman ran to the back of the store and called for help, but the attackers continued to surround her and chase her to the front of the store, blocking her exit. Although the woman was eventually allowed to leave, one of the men accompanied her, leaving her fate unknown. The video footage has since sparked outrage and calls for action to protect those who are vulnerable to such violence and harassment.

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    • patochedu34 Signaler  

      Moi là je vois du racisme.

      08/02/2023 à 15:59:07
      • kleinergeist62 oOBENDEROo Signaler  

        Je vois exactement la même chose.

        09/02/2023 à 02:05:54
    • bodusboub Signaler  

      et le tôlier il appelle pas les flics ?

      08/02/2023 à 19:07:11
      • xTreme  Signaler  

        s'il les appelle il va voir son magasin defoncé et brulé par vengeance par ce tas de BLM

        12/02/2023 à 17:16:53

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